This June, The University of Kansas is offering residential summer camps for high school students interested in a career in STEM - totally free of charge. I work for the Center for Remote Sensing and Integrated Systems (CReSIS), and right now we are looking for current sophomores and juniors (rising juniors and seniors) who are interested in math, physics, aerospace engineering, and computer science for this opportunity. Our camps offer the chance for students to get hands-on experience in these fields, working with innovative researchers and scientists on emerging disciplines like AI and drones. Campers can envision future careers while exploring college life and studies in a safe and fun environment. And did I mention it's free?

We have three camp sessions – two one-week camps focused on exploring research interests for rising juniors and seniors (classes of 2025 and 2026), and one two-week camp offering both exploratory and preparatory experiences, so that students will come to college fully ready for college-level coursework, for rising seniors (class of 2025). Our camps also offer plenty of opportunities for fun: the two-week camp includes a trip to Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun - again, totally free!

Students who attend will also be offered priority for scholarship funds and other opportunities. These camps will happen in Lawrence, KS, and students will be housed in the KU dorms with a meal plan. We are focused on recruiting students from rural and military families especially, but all Kansas high school students are eligible. All expenses except transportation are taken care of by a grant from the DoD.

The application deadline is May 1. You can find out more at the following links:


I also want to share links to the applications:

One week camps:

Two week camp:

Please feel free to share widely - there are many spots still available in all camps. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at I can also be reached at 785-864-7998.