
I created these graphs to determine the favorite food options of people based on different populations. I did this so I could share the information I collected with my community and others like it, in hopes that they could use it to better the restaurants in their area for their customers.

Our class first created a survey regarding restaurant aspects people look for, who they dine with, what they like to eat, along with demographics of the people surveyed. Our data team filmed a video to encourage people to fill out our survey, and we shared that video and survey on social media to reach more people, and therefore, collect a wide range of data.

We received 259 surveys back, including several from out of state and even some from other countries. Once we received our responses, I worked with the data to discover my vision. The question I wanted to answer was; “Does the most popular food choice vary between populations?”

For my dashboard, I took the four categories of populations and filtered the food options by them. I used that information to create bar graphs representing the most popular food option based on each population.

My findings showed that Mexican and pizza/pasta meals are the most popular choice overall and would do the best in both big and small communities. I would suggest that if a restaurant is not centered around one of these cuisines, then it could provide Mexican and pizza/ pasta food in the form of specials or meals of the day. By doing so, it could attract more customers and help the business to grow.