Ms. Burrus

          Kelli Burrus attended  Colby Community College to study towards a degree in Vet Tech. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a music education associate degree is what called her name. She completed her Bachelor's degree from Fort Hays State University after the death of her son, Maverick. Kelli has been teaching for 13 years. Two years were spent at Tipton Catholic High School and 12 years at Osborne Junior Senior High School. (One of those years was spent teaching part time for both schools. Osborne is Ms. Burrus' dad's alma mater. Therefore, she considers it an honor to be back "home" teaching where she was born and her family went to school.  

          Ms. Burrus' philosophy of teaching music through band comes at the very emotional price of losing her son, Maverick. "If I fail my students then I have failed my son and for me that is just not an option." She is expecting life lessons to be learned, which, for her, are just as important as music itself. Time management, working as a team, leadership, supporting others, and doing what is right are the talents that she incorporates into her classroom and music itself; even if it is not the norm. According to Ms. Burrus, "No child will ever be denied the chance to create music in a safe environment no matter what challenges they may have. No matter what genre, style, or type of music, there is always a lesson to be learned and to be shared. Music can be a life-long skill." If music can help make well-rounded individuals that make society a better place, then she feels that she has accomplished her goal in music education. 

          In her "free time", she is a 4-H Dog Leader and State Judge. Throughout the years, and even before being a teacher, she had stood by the thought, "Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken," and tries to portray that to her students. We all have gifts and should not be jealous of someone else's gift, as they may be jealous of yours. If it wasn't for Dr. Jeff Jordan, "I am not sure that I would be where I am today. He taught me many lessons, but more than anything, it is ok to just be me. 

mrs burrus